The Words You Use To Encourage Your Friends Are The Words You Subconsciously Need Yourself

Have you ever paid attention to the words you say to your friends when you’re trying to make them smile or encourage them? We are our friends number one cheerleaders and it takes nothing for us to say words of affirmation in hopes to make them smile, feel better about themselves and remind them of how amazing they are. So here is where it gets interesting…..

I once read that those words that we say to our friends to lift them up, are typically the exact words that we need to hear ourselves. Kind of ironic that the words you may desperately need to hear, are the ones that you freely give to others without thinking twice but wouldn’t fathom it applying to yourself… right?

If you were to say to your bestie, “You have the best personality and everyone loves you!” or “You are such a good friend who always listens to me.” you can imagine her smiling or her face just lighting up. Even just writing those quotations makes me smile! So imagine, if you DID start saying those things to yourself. Talk about a mindset shifter!

So my friend, include yourself as that friend that needs words to smile and what they could be. And if you can’t muster them up yourself, do talk to a friend about it. Share how you’re feeling and what you’re going through. And who knows, maybe what you need is exactly what they need in that moment too.

X, Jenny

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The Cost Of Trying To Be Perfect

Ever found yourself battling the belief that you’re not good enough? Or that you don’t do enough or that you just couldn’t do what another has done? Unfortunately this is an all too common dialogue that seems to run on repeat in most people’s minds. So much so that there is a name for it, known as ‘imposter syndrome’.

There is no such thing as "perfect". Just be yourself.

Surely these beliefs aren’t anything new and have been around for years but I have read that in the year 2010 there was an increase in people experiencing not being enough. Which is interesting that a social media platform also began in 2010. One that is known for people to share their most beautiful travels, delicious dining and highlights of their lives in photos. This platform being Instagram.

While this platform and it’s users are known for it’s beautiful photos, there are messages out there outlining what exactly you should share for views, to only use your brand colors in graphics, what wording captivates people and more. Which is great if you don’t know where to start or just want to try the waters and build on your own from there. But what can happen is it no longer becomes fun to share those beautiful photos and pieces of your life because it isn’t following said guidelines.

It isn’t PERFECT.

Making you frustrated and feeling….

not enough. So you just stop.

You miss the connections with people. You miss capturing and sharing special moments you’re experiencing. You stir up negative feelings that send you down a rabbit hole. So much so that you stop even having experiences worthy OF sharing. And now you’ve gotten so far away from that person you once knew, you look back and wonder how the heck you got here now.

This isn’t just about social media, it’s about life and what can happen when imposter syndrome and the feelings of not being perfect take over. You lose sight of it all.

Your wants.

Your dreams.

Your true identity.

I say this all as a reminder, stay true to who you are by following your intuition. Listen to your body, follow the lead of your emotions and keep your own individual goals and dreams at the forefront. You can’t compare your day one to someone’s day 100. But you can mark your day one as,

just the beginning.

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Start Feeling Better About The Girl You See In The Mirror Looking Back At You

Start normalizing complimenting yourself. In fact, tell yourself right now one thing you love about YOU!

woman looking in mirror to start feeling better about seeing her own reflection and the truth of who she is

Please start normalizing saying ‘thank you’ when someone says something nice about you. Don’t question it, don’t explain how it’s not valid. Accept the thank you and take note someone else seeing how awesome you are!

It’s time to start normalizing putting yourself first. There isn’t an award for neglecting yourself, only feelings of exhaustion and resentment. Carve the time to start filling that cup UP!

Normalize saying no. Boundaries are SUPER important when it comes to feeling empowered and knowing where we draw the line. Know what feels right and say no to the rest.

And last but definitely not least, normalize knowing your worth. Affirm, “I am worthy and deserving of all the good that comes my way.”

Girl, this is just a chapter, not the whole story and YOU are the author. Keep GOING!

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